All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- 🚀 update and optimize project content (17bc017)
- 🚀 upgrade plugins and add tab functionality (f21a41d)
- 🚀 add proTable instance type (8262f04)
- 🚀 optimize code and add VitePWA (523f676)
- 🚀 optimize code and update plugins (5cff3c7)
- 🚀 optimize irregular code (d406ef2)
- 🚀 proTable radio selection example (f58291f)
- 🚀 proTable search component custom rendering (#189) (89f03db)
- 🚀 proTable supports static table data (9a3e85d)
- 🚀 update Gitee address (0608be9)
- 🚀 update stylelint configuration (d62aae8)
- 🚀 update theme, modify bugs (7a3a7a3)